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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Weekend '08

The girls had so much this past Labor Day Weekend. First, we went to visit Kate's Ninang (Godmother) Rachelle and her family staying at the Tahiti Village. The girls were swimming and playing on the sand. They spent over an hour just playing on the sand. I promised to take them to Newport Beach again when we go to OC in two weeks.

Then on Saturday night, the went to a Ethan's 4th birthday party. The girls were swimming again. Though they had a fun weekend, they were miserable for a couple days after that. They caught a cold but they're better now.


katierose said...

that place looks AWESOME! it looks like you had a great time! i'm sorry the girls got sick. we're suffering with fevers and colds right now too :(.

Anonymous said...

wow... never knew tahiti village had that! i remember you telling me about it but it looks really cool!